The objective of this project was to use concepts of Universal Design to propose new solutions for an existing outpatient healthcare facility where the needs of the aging population are prioritized. The focus was on the human experience of the space by detailing qualities that would support emotional needs of the aging population, functional design decisions, universal design features, and other age-friendly considerations. I chose to focus on the Neurology Department.
Neurology is the branch of the medical field that studies the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions involving the brain. This involves the study of neuroscience and the nervous system. Some common disorders involving the nervous system would be functional, structural and vascular disorders including headaches, carpal tunnel and strokes. Some common symptoms of neurological disorders include vision problems, memory loss and dizziness.
Floor Plan

Focal Point - Waiting Room
Ray is a 72 year old furniture designer that is visiting a neurologist due to her struggle with migraines.

Experience Statement
This waiting room provides moments of privacy and respite to promote the sense of security. It gives patients more privacy than regular waiting rooms with dividers and low lighting.
Since this is designed for the neurology department, this space considers those with migraines, headaches and various neurological issues which is why low lighting was incorporated, to best suit their needs. I have also built out the east wall to provide more protection from the sunlight that the adjacent waiting room receives. There are minimal repetitive patterns because that may be triggering for those with epilepsy and other neurological disorders. This space serves as an additional waiting room for patients that currently have a low tolerance for light and sound and to reduce stress and sensory overload.
Universal Design

Size and space for approach and use
Appropriate size and space regardless of user's body, size, posture & mobility
Space for movement, wheelchairs can fit at the tables and alongside the booths.

Low Physical Effort (Touch screen)
Efficient and comfortable with minimal fatigue.
Wristband scanners for multiple heights. Ex. Wheelchair height scanner.

Equitable Use
The handrail is useful to people with different abilities.

Flexibility in use (Wayfinding)
Accommodates a wide range of preferences and abilities.
Easy to understand.
Rendering from SE corner
Rendering from NW corner